Search Marketing

SEO Overview and Tips

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, often referred to as SEO, is the process of optimizing a website to obtain higher ranking positions on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo through a variety of tactics.

This is important because numerous studies have shown that the vast majority of users only click on the top 3 organic results after performing a search. If you’re not in the top 3 then your chances of getting clicks to your site grow slim.

Search engines today are smart and look at several factors, or what we might call signals, to determine where a website should be ranked.

Working a plan with consistent focus and solid teamwork will set you on a positive upwards trajectory in your rankings.

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SEO Overview and Tips

Achieving high rankings require more than just an optimized website, it requires your business to be present, active, and helpful in several other locations both online and offline. These locations have both a direct and an indirect impact on your rankings. Taking advantage of any and every good opportunity to gain exposure for your business and running it with excellent customer service goes a long way to make your SEO efforts a success.

There are no fast tracks or tricks to obtaining a successful ranking in today’s search engine landscape. Working a plan with consistent focus and solid teamwork will set you on a positive upwards trajectory in your rankings. Visit our search engine optimization service page to learn more about how we can partner together to achieve higher rankings.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

  • work hard to ensure your website meets or exceeds Google’s E-E-A-T quality rater guidelines, that is: experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness
  • don’t stuff your website with keywords or phrases too much or you will get penalized by Google
  • during a website redesign make sure to transfer over your meta titles and meta description tags to the new site
  • setup 301 redirects where applicable when going through a redesign
  • make sure your website utilizes responsive web design techniques
  • run your website over “https” instead of “http” protocol
  • run speed tests of your website and ensure a fast page load time