Social Media

Social Media Jumpstart

Social Media Marketing

You may not like social media or feel it’s a waste of time. You may have found yourself starting to post, but drawing a blank. Maybe you are on social media all the time, but as far as business goes you are just beginning.

The opportunities that await you within the realm of social media range from widespread exposure, reputation management, and even data insight and collection.

Social media outlets have become the new “neighborhoods” where people talk, and if they are talking you better believe they are asking for business recommendations and reviews. So where do you start?

You may not like social media or feel it’s a waste of time. You may have found yourself starting to post, but drawing a blank.

Social Media Marketing

A Very Basic Social Media Execution Plan

  • Define the topics you can post about. Remember your social account can serve as a customer service arena, a customer education platform, company reputation manager and service/product announcer. The possibilities are limitless.
  • Decide how frequently you and your team can consistently create, edit, and polish up content as this will affect your posting frequency.
  • Determine with your team who will do what and by when for the content development and posting process.
  • Define your goals! Think in terms of likes, followers, interactions, leads, and company presentation.
  • Join networks where the format and style align with those goals and where others in your industry are finding success.
  • Plan to engage with your audience and industry through outreach strategies, engagement practices, and follow-up.

Pro Tips

  • You DO NOT have to be on all the social media platforms. You can pick just one and go for it.
  • Whichever platform you are on commit to a plan and be consistent. If necessary, partner with a social media company that has resources available to stay on top of trends, plan, manage, and execute a consistent plan with you.
  • Keep it visually engaging even if it is just a status update.
  • Have a plan for storing your content in a central and organized space. All the pictures and videos can take up a lot of file space. Having them all spread out over various devices makes your job all the harder.
  • Don’t be afraid to let personality shine through.

If you are looking for even more help please check out our digital marketing page or contact us.