Website Hosting
In order for your website to become visible online you will have to purchase a hosting plan from a company that offers website hosting. These plans can range anywhere from $30-$300+ per/month depending on your hosting needs. With so many companies these days it can feel a little overwhelming to decide. A good web host will offer excellent support, security measures, and a solid system for backups. Of course there’s more to a good host but these 3 are very important. In addition it is important to understand if your hosting company can host your branded email accounts (@companyname.com), and if so, if it costs extra or if it is rolled into the overall hosting fee.
Utilize a web host that has a track record of excellent support, modern performance tools, strong security, and a solid system for backups.

Lost in a Moment
A local businessman shared how for years they had done great with their search engine optimization but something happened at their web host, and their website was lost. No backups, no history, nothing. I was amazed and felt terrible for this individual all at the same time. Years of work and a solid website all gone in a moment all because their web host was not reliable. They had to completely rebuild everything.