
Hot Facebook Tips

Facebook Tips

Facebook is always evolving and introducing new features and opportunities to promote content and engage followers. If you are a small business owner then you are doing good if you have the following in place already:

  • a facebook personal profile
  • a facebook business page
  • you’ve invited your personal friends and customers to like your business page
  • you post something at least once a week
  • you have a nice cover graphic and profile image

However, most small businesses are just scratching the surface on Facebook. In this article I want to share 3 easy to implement Facebook Tips that you need to check out right away.

Tip #1 – Page Verification

Page Verification – If you are a business or an organization and you don’t have the gray badge on your Facebook page then it’s time to authenticate and validate your page. The verification process only takes a few minutes and confirms with Facebook that your page is authentic. Having this gray badge is valuable for several reasons.

Here are a few:

  • verified pages show up higher in search results
  • signals to your followers that your page is legitimate, and not some imposter page
  • adds real credibility to your page right away
  • users will be more comfortable engaging with you on your page

The Social Media Examiner has a helpful article already for how to verify a facebook page for a local business.

Tip #2 – Call To Action Buttons

Facebook Call To Action Button

When you go to setup your button here is what you see:

Facebook has neatly organized the options for how this button can be used and guides you through the process of setting it up. On our company Facebook page we use the button to link people directly to our website contact page which makes it easy for people to get in touch with us. There are a few options to select from so you’ll have to decide which route will ultimately work best for your business.

Tip #3 – Showcase Your Services

Facebook Service

  • Name of service
  • Price (optional)
  • Description
  • Photo

Facebook is a key touchpoint for potential customers of your business. Make sure and add your services so that customers can easily see what you offer and not pass you by.

What Facebook options do you find valuable yet overlooked by so many? Feel free to start a conversation below in the comments or hit us up on our Facebook page.

Need more help? We offer free social media consultations and a wide variety of services to help you strategize, manage, and implement your social media marketing.