
City Church Brand Identity Update

old logo

old City Church logo

new logo

new City Church logo

Project Briefing

As City Church grew and evolved it became very clear that the old brand logo was no longer a good fit for the future of the organization.

It was time for something new and fresh. They needed something that better matched the DNA and vibe you can tangibly feel when you visit the church.

We needed to create a logo that could stand alone yet also a version with the words “For All Nations”, be versatile in a variety of applications, and that could help retire the old lime green colors!

Project Goal

The project goal was to reach the city of Bloomington and the surrounding area with an energetic and modern brand that was reflective of the diverse community in the area. The new logo would need to offer a warm welcome while maintaining an energetic urban feel.

Check out some of the other logo variations our team made.

City Church Logo Variations